Are you thinking of entering new markets? Do you want to start your export process?
The MII portal is the access point to valuable data that could help you to make a decision.

Historical &
Forecast Data
Explore key metrics through a visualisation tool that contains historical data and obtain a 3 years projection of their behaviour.

MII offers tools to export, download and slice & dice the data, and to create custom visualisations and filtered views.

Use our comparison tool to analyse the trends and behaviour of your preferred markets to make the right business decisions.

Access to over 75,000 reports across 38 product categories and key markets to further understand your business opportunities.
Market Snapshot
Try our market and product dashboards and start identifying optimal export opportunities for your business.
Register now to have full access to the MII dashboard
The Market Insights & Information (MII) Portal is a free platform, whose purpose is to provide critical data,
metrics and reports to the general public on the Food & Agribusinesses global landscape.
The portal lets you analyse information through stunning data visualisations and useful reports, which provide key trade metrics, trends and hidden insights of markets and products behaviour.
Sharing Knowledge
FIAL provides valued insights stakeholders from across the agri-food value chain need to make informed decisions.